Friday 14 December 2007

Bossy Me

I actually got to be somebody else's boss on Tuesday. Okay, sure, it was to a fourteen year-old high school student doing her work experience at the hospital, but still. It felt great. I got to order her around a bit when we were making beds but then, showing that I can also be a very nice boss, arranged with the chief nurse on 5W for me to take her on a quick tour of the hospital. I had forgotten what it is like not to feel as though you are at the bottom of the pile. Shame she was only here for one day.


Bonenkai party tonight. Very, very excited.


Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear you all enjoying ur time there...
guess what!
uclan's closing for x-mas soo relieved..!
we had a pile of assignments to hand in this semester..
now rdy for a break....miss u dear

Anonymous said...

Tell us about ur x-mas in Japan..I will be waiting!
Here, as always, the streets are lit up with decorations..and streets white, with frost in the mornings...its soo collllddddd"!
Hows the weather there???

Can you mail me your address please...