Friday, 11 January 2008


I met a terminal cancer patient yesterday. It was only part way through a wonderful conversation with her that she told me her diagnosis. I didn`t really know what to say, so I just said that I was sorry and that it sounded like she had had an amazing life. She told me she had traveled to 25 countries, including England three times, and China, where she taught English. I found myself thinking about her last night and I regretted not learning more about her when I had the chance. Today though I found out her name and the date of her next treatment at the hospital. I have also loosely arranged to get a little time off work to go and see her when she is next here. I feel like I should buy her a gift or something, but what does one buy for someone who is dying? I can`t even give her food because she has no appetite due to all of her medications. Maybe I should just give her as much of my time as possible….?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, she has no need for Things as such... unless you wanted to bring her a flower, stuff like that usually cheers people up.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mel.

Or something you've made yourself, like a home-made card or something? Doesn't have to be brilliantly artistic, just caring.

camel_alice said...

kindness and love my darling, NEVER fails. im sure that just be being you she'll recieve that and know it :) nothing needs to be specifically 'sed' or physically given like 'here you go!' , but yeh love is something that goes on forever and ever past and beyond EVERYTHING else! she'll always remeber you lil im sure :) ....a good hug at the right moment is always ace too! however as she ...i hate to say it, dying, i guess the rest of her life counts as 'the right moment'. id hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek personally...doesnt really matter that you havent known her for long ~ its love. XXX thats my view anyway ;) mwah XXX God Bless XXX