May and I have been invited to dinner this Friday by some of the hospital staff. Great... free food, interesting company, what could be wrong with that? There's only one snag though: we have no idea what kind of occasion it is going to be. We can't figure out if it is a home-cooked meal in somebody's home with just their family and maybe one or two other (senior) members of staff, or if it is a massive, all-hospital-staff-attending welcome dinner at a hotel restaurant somewhere. We have no idea what to expect – or what to wear! We're going to try and get some more information about the meal from Kimura-san, so hopefully, come Friday, we will have half an idea what's going to happen to us.
May joined the hospital tennis club. Ha, she can't play tennis to save her life and she's joined a serious tennis club. Also, there was some mention of a Kyūshū-wide tennis tournament between all the Red Cross hospitals, and we think she might have signed herself up for that too. Oh dear. Better her than me. I wonder if there is a hospital athletics club though...
Here's something that made me giggle in the middle of the supermarket:

I can be so childish sometimes :-D
Heh heh, what exactly is creamy powder? I'm thinking it's either coffee mate or... maybe instant gravy of some sort?
Yeah, sorry, I should have said - this is coffee matte.
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