Thursday 6 September 2007


Okay. I'm in Japan. It was quite a journey getting here but I won't go into that until after I arrive at my final destination, Nagasaki. Tokyo is great, although quite overwhelming at times. I have already come across some great Engrish and some of their product names are just absurd. Here's a few photographs to keep you occupied until I can be bothered to write something a bit more detailed.

This is a street in Akihabara - the electronics centre of the world.

Hmmm... these are different types of diet pills. My favourite has to be FAT MAGNET. Surely you would want the opposite from a diet pill...?

Ah, yes, the Japanese vending machine - sells everything from green tea to groceries. And they are everywhere.

Believe it or not, there is a whole line of X-Girl clothing. This one was totally my favourite though... going my wave...LOL, that's great. The shop I found this t-shirt in sold both men's and women's clothing, but I'm not sure if there is a men's x-girl range - that would be the ultimate.

I'll just leave you with one more thing before I go: One of the first things I bought in Japan was a box of green tea and chocolate flavour Pocky (a kind of sweet/biscuit if you don't know) but it was only a few minutes ago that I noticed a great logo on the back that said, A wonderful life in the best of taste. Yep, that's Pocky. The logo had a little dancing man on it too, the relevance of which I haven't figured out yet.


Anonymous said...

Great post - I can't wait for the next one. Can you take a photo of the Pocky "wonderful life" logo please? I can't find it on google images. I have a mystery reason for asking.... (cue spooky music)

Btw, there's Pocky wallpaper for tiling here

Lily Monk said...

I already tried to take a photo of the Pocky logo, but it was so small my camera - even on the macro lens option - couldn't get it in focus. I'll tear it off the box and save it for you if you like.

Ta for t' wallpaper.
